
Have you been asking yourself why you see so many naked women every where; on TV, in movies, advertisements, commercials, art, but hardly naked men? Have you, like me, been wondering why there is so little male nudity in every day life for us heterosexual women to enjoy? Do you agree that it is unfair? Then this blog is the right blog for you.

‘Naked Men, Happy Women’ is created to discuss these topics with you, and to find ways to change the current situation to our (and with ‘our’ I specifically mean heterosexual women) advantage. Or even better: to finish the sexual revolution that we have started in the sixties. Because in my opinion, we are far from finished. Especially men are way behind. It is about time they catch up, and it is time that we women are truly open and honest about our sexual needs.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Inactivity on Naked Men, Happy Women

For the last few weeks, I have not been very active on either one of my blogs. My excuse: I have been busy at work, and in my spare time with writing my first book. I will come back with new/more topics in the near future though, so don't give up on me just yet :)

Thank you,

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